The goal of the UHRC is to cater to the 99% of hunters and rifle shooters… what ranges do a vast number of hunting shots take place within? What gear is frequently used by hunters? What is the relationship between time and accuracy requirements in many hunting situations? What will the vast majority of hunters/recreational rifle shooters in the country be willing to spend on participating in the sport?
Those are the questions the founders asked themselves and others throughout the process of developing the rules for the Ultimate Hunter. Hunting gear and technology constantly evolve, and we at UHRC keep a finger on the pulse of what we are seeing commonly deployed in the field by the vast majority of hunters, the 99%.
The full rule book, updated as of 1/2/2025, can be viewed as a pdf below:
UHRC Match Scoresheets and Score Reporting Form
UHRC Score Reporting Spreadsheet (MS Excel format)
*UHRC is a new, rapidly evolving sport. As such, the rules will be reviewed annually, AND as significant changes are deemed to be warranted otherwise.